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How I can have multiple y-axis?

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  • #25253

    I want the data2 on second y axis data1 on first. And How I can have months name as x-axis titles?
    `window.onload = function () {
    var data = [];
    var data2 = [];
    var chartData = [

    for( var i=0; i<chartData.length; i++) {
    var dataPoints = [];
    for (var obj in chartData[i]) {
    if(i == 0){
    if (chartData[i].hasOwnProperty(obj)) {
    dataPoints.push({x : chartData[obj], y: Number(chartData[i][obj])});
    type: “line”,
    dataPoints: dataPoints
    if (chartData[i].hasOwnProperty(obj)) {
    dataPoints.push({x : chartData[obj], y: Number(chartData[i][obj])});
    type: “line”,
    dataPoints: dataPoints
    var chart= new CanvasJS.Chart(“chartContainer”, {
    text: “Multiple y – axis”
    axisY2: {
    axisY: {

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by coderrrr.


    You can use label property to show labels over axisX and setting axisYType to secondary will attach dataSeries to secondary y-axis. Please take a look at this JSFiddle for a working example with your set of dataPoints.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    thanks you so much @Vishwas R, Could you please tell me how i can include legend for this chart?



    By setting showInLegend property to true, you can show legend to a dataSeries. Please refer to the documentation page on legend for more information and more customization options available.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    Hey Thanks. The data series legend is visible now but not sure where to put the legendText.



    legendText is a property of dataSeries that’s used to set the text to be displayed in the legend for a particular dataSeries. Please refer documentation for more information along with live example.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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