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Home › Forums › Chart Support › How do I show y-axis with data converted to percentage
I have two arrays: Y = [180, 200,160,190,120,140,150] X = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
I want to plot a chart where Y axis shows percentage of the data and X shows just labels. Thus Y axis in above example should show: Yvalues = [90,100,80,95,60,70,75] X axis simply should show 1 through 7 for the corresponding points.
Further, if possible, the user should be able to switch between absolute values or percentage.
How do I achieve this?
Suhas Patil,
You can use labelFormatter function on axisY to convert the axisY labels to percentages.
To switch the axisY labels from percentages to absolute values you can create a drop-down menu with the respective options. Based on the option selected you can update the labelFormatter function and then call chart.render().
document.getElementById("changeAxisYLabel").addEventListener('change', function(event){ if ( == "absoluteValue") { chart.options.axisY.labelFormatter = function(e) { return e.value; } } else if ( == "percentage") { chart.options.axisY.labelFormatter = convertToPercentage; } chart.render(); });
Please take a look at this JSFiddle for a working example on the same.
— Thangaraj Raman Team CanvasJS
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