When i render a canvasJS-chart to a div container, how can i get access to the chart object through the div-Container? i dont want to make the chart variable global.
I want to use it as: var chart=$(“#container”).canvasJS();
$("#container").CanvasJS() will work with jQuery Charts. In case you have some other requirement please create a jsfiddle so that we can understand your requirement better and help you out.
Same thing I would like to access with the angular js version of canvas js library I would like to access the CanvasJS object from DOM elmenet using angular js.
It’s not possible to access chart based on the DOM element in angular. However if you are using jQuery plugin, you can do so using jQuery selector var c = $("#chartContainer").CanvasJSChart();.
@Indranil Deo
How to create feature request for it(to access chart based on the DOM element in angular)?
and what is best way to track the progress on it?