Home Forums Chart Support Here is how to re-render a chart with jQuery

Here is how to re-render a chart with jQuery

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  • #25407

    I have been asking myself the question but found no answer, as there is no chart.render(); for the jQuery integration of CanvasJS.

    So I found a workaround :

    let chartContainer = $('#chartContainerId');
    let optn = chartContainer.CanvasJSChart().options;

    If you have any question regarding this feel free to ask me ! :)



    In jQuery plugin, you can get reference to the chart object using $(“#chartContainer”).CanvasJSChart(). And you can update any of the options – like $("#chartContainer").CanvasJSChart().options.data[0].type = "column".

    However if you like to update chart-options and call chart.render(), as a first step you need to get chart reference as $("#chartContainer").CanvasJSChart(). Once you have reference to the chart, you can update the chart-options and call chart.render(). Please refer second example in jQuery integration page for a live example.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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