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From the chart object, is there a way to get the max x and y values from a spline chart? Alternatively, is there a way to get a formula on how the line was drawn?
Here is a jsfiddle for an example of the chart.
The max is somewhere around where y ~ 102.5 and x ~ 15ish.
CanvasJS uses Bézier curve interpolation to represent the curve passing through the given dataPoints. We don’t have any property to find the coordinates of the highest / lowest peak as of now. However, you can achieve the same by getting the image from the rendered chart & processing it to find the colored pixel-coordinate from top to bottom. Later you can use convertPixelToValue to get the value corresponding to the pixel-coordinate as shown in the code-snippet below,
var imageData = chart1.ctx.getImageData(chart1.plotArea.x1, chart1.plotArea.y1, chart1.plotArea.width, chart1.plotArea.height).data; coloredRegionData = []; for (var i = 0; i < imageData.length; i += 4) { if (i % (4 * chart1.plotArea.width) === 0) { coloredRegionData.push([]); temp = i; } if (imageData[i] === 255 && imageData[i+1] === 0) { coloredRegionData[coloredRegionData.length - 1].push((i - temp) / 4); } } splinePixelCordinates = []; for (var i = 0; i < coloredRegionData.length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < coloredRegionData[i].length; j++) { splinePixelCordinates.push({ x: chart1.plotArea.x1 + coloredRegionData[i][j], y: chart1.plotArea.y1 + i }) } }
Please take a look at this JSFiddle for an example on finding the coordinates of the highest / lowest peak.
— Adithya Menon Team CanvasJS
This is perfect! Thanks for sending this over.
I am having an issue that has come up with a specific set of points using the code provided. I have a JS fiddle that can demonstrate the issue. There are two sets of points provided in the example – one that works as expected, and one that is not calculating the peak correctly. Any direction would be helpful.
Let me know if you need any more information in order to review, etc.
Thanks for the JSFiddle. We are looking into your query and will get back to you at the earliest.
____ Adithya Menon Team CanvasJS
We don’t have any property to find the coordinates of the highest / lowest peak as an inbuilt feature for now. However, with a few lines of code, it’s possible to find the same using canvas API, which we have showcased in the example shared in the previous reply. The same can be further improved to make it work across different sets of datapoints. Below is the code-snippet which gets the image-data of canvas to find the top-most colored pixel coordinate. Converting the same to value-coordinate using convertPixelToValue will give you the y-value of the highest peak in the curve/spline chart,
for (var i = 0; i < imageData.length; i += 4) { if (i % (4 * parseInt(chart1.plotArea.width)) === 0) { coloredRegionData.push([]); temp = i; } if (imageData[i] === 255 && imageData[i + 1] === 0) coloredRegionData[coloredRegionData.length - 1].push((i - temp) / 4); }
Please take a look at this updated JSFiddle for complete code.
Thanks for figuring that out for me! Appreciate your time looking at this for me.
Thanks Chad
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