Home Forums Chart Support Draw same line at axixY and axixY2.

Draw same line at axixY and axixY2.

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  • #20625

    I want an answer.

    Please look at this sample.JSFiddle

    If the data does not refer to the Y2 axis, the line is not rendered.
    Therefore, first changed to “data: [axisYType:” secondary “]”.

    When executed in the area chart, only the rightmost line was displayed above the area chart.JSFiddle

    How can I make the Y1 axis and the Y2 axis the same display?



    You can attach an empty dataSeries to axisY2 and set minimum and maximum to that of axisY using set method. Please take a look at this updated jsfiddle.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS



    thanks for your reply.


    Later, I found a way of dummy data.
    display legent without data

    Further …

    Please look at the image below.
    I want to draw the same line.
    sample picture

    I want a suggestion.



    Do you mean showing axisY line? If so, varying axisX minimum slightly will make it visible. axisY line is not visible due to minimum set in axisX. Please take a look at this updated jsfiddle.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS



    thanks for your reply.

    Oh! That’s good idea.

    I would like to adopt a method of adjusting the starting point of the area chart, not the scale adjustment.

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