Home Forums Chart Support Display Doughnut Chart wit sorted values(based on percentage)in descending order

Display Doughnut Chart wit sorted values(based on percentage)in descending order

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  • #23367

    Hi guys,

    I have a query regarding High Charts (Doughnut Chart).

    I displayed the doughnut chart with dynamic values and I’m displaying legends with name and percentage in form of key value pair.
    But I need to display the chart with sorted values(based on percentage) in descending order.
    Also legends should display in descending order based on Percentage values.

    Kindly provide your comments and help me to acheive it. :)
    Thanks in advance.


    Highcharts.chart(containerName, {
    chart: {
    height: 300,
    type: ‘pie’
    title: {
    text: ‘ ‘
    subtitle: {
    text: ‘ ‘
    yAxis: {
    title: {
    text: ‘Total’
    plotOptions: {
    pie: {
    enabled: false
    enabled: true,
    layout: ‘vertical’,
    verticalAlign: ‘middle’,
    align: ‘right’,
    itemMarginBottom: 5,
    itemMarginTop: 5,
    labelFormat: ‘<p>{name}</p> <b>{percentage:.0f}%</b>’, //getting data from here
    x: -50,

    tooltip: {
    valueSuffix: ‘%’
    series: [{
    name: ‘ ‘,
    data: donutData,
    innerSize: ‘80%’,
    id: ‘types’,

    responsive: {
    rules: [{
    condition: {
    maxWidth: 480
    chartOptions: {
    height: 500
    legend: {
    align: ‘center’,
    verticalAlign: ‘bottom’,
    x: 0,



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