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Disappearing graphs after a while

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  • #45214

    My canvasjs graphs are drawing well, and using best pratice.
    Built a dashboard with several graphs, as simple as the ones in the exmaples, nothng extra.
    In chrome browsers, and all browsers after a period of time, the graphs disappear, untill I refresh page!
    Every thing else on the dashboard unrelated to canvasjs mainly text remains.
    I certinaly dont have any javascript timer doing this….and no extra Javascript
    How do I stop this behaviour?



    CanvasJS Charts seems to be working fine across all the browsers except Chromium-based browsers in certain use cases. This is due to a HTML canvas-related bug in one of Chrome’s updates. Please check this link for more information. Please try updating to the latest version of Chrome where this issue might be fixed.

    Thangaraj Raman
    Team CanvasJS


    Thanks @thagaraj
    Your answer is really helpful for me.

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