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Data order in dataseries

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  • #10046

    here is my problem : http://jsfiddle.net/ouw8utLm/2/

    Description :
    when you use 2 or more data series, the order of the x(label) is not always the same, as you can see in this exemple, the first x = 10 and the second x=20 so the graph display the result of the x=10 and x=20 in the same place i=0 and this is not correct.

    What should be the right result ?:
    As the first dataseries is created first, the second data series should navigate trough the first serie and find the correspondant x, but there is a new problem the show-up here, if the 2end serie contain some elements that the first doesn’t have? what should we do( see it in a générique perspective, cause the x could be a lable or a date or…)

    Thanks for your awesome support :)

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by jarode.


    For ordering data you can set x values as per your requirement. In previous reply Boogie is given an nice example.


    Hello guys,
    Thanks for your reply :)
    unfortunately, this solution is working for number only.
    I’ve updated my example to see a more generic of this problem.
    Thanks for you support.


    I don’t see the problem. View example: http://jsfiddle.net/Vitegor/k01jrm34/
    Just add a integer value for X, which will correspond to the Label

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Boogie.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Boogie.

    we are talking about a generic way, we don’t know the type of data that will be displayed, it’s not like I’m putting the data into the graph, but I’m getting it from a data base, so I don’t have a way to know witch one is 1 and witch one is 2.

    I hop you understand the situation.



    I hope that a understand your problem :)

    When retrieving data you can specify for each unique label a unique corresponding value for X in a cycle on all received data


    yes I can give them a value for the x.
    I can also go back each time and find if there is a matching label to give the same x.
    but I think that it’ll take some time cause I’ll need to pass trough each element of each data series to find the match, and if it doesn’t exist give it a new one.

    is this what are you trying to explain to me ?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by jarode.
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