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Data Null

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  • #27444

    hey i am creating chart and data get into data base when data not get how to print data not found in place of chart
    plz help me



    Please take a look at this JSFiddle.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    I am refer this jsfiddle but problem is our data get into database as a java code how to call into js its problem
    plz check our code.

    window.onload = function() {

    var chart1 = new CanvasJS.Chart(‘piechart’, {
    theme : “light2”,
    animationEnabled : true,
    exportFileName : “Service Transaction”,
    exportEnabled : true,
    title : {
    text : “Transaction Wise”

    data : [ {
    type : “pie”,
    showInLegend : true,
    legendText : “{label}”,
    toolTipContent : “{label}: {y}%“,
    indexLabel : “{label} {y}%”,
    dataPoints :
    } ]

    var chart2 = new CanvasJS.Chart(‘piechart1’, {
    theme : “light2”,
    animationEnabled : true,
    exportFileName : “Service Amount”,
    exportEnabled : true,
    title : {
    text : “Amount Wise”
    data : [ {
    type : “pie”,
    showInLegend : true,
    legendText : “{label}”,
    toolTipContent : “{label}: {y}%“,
    indexLabel : “{label} {y}%”,
    dataPoints :
    } ]


    plz check our code and plz suggest me also i apply this code on js fiddle its not working


    Also plz refer how to apply null concept in multiple charts in one function



    Can you kindly share sample project along with sample database over Google-Drive or Onedrive so that we can look into the code, run it locally to understand the scenario better and help you resolve?

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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