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Tagged: Custom label in Yaxis
Hi.. I am working with canvas js for rendering multiseries column chart with dynamic data. In y-axis I need to give text as label. For eg, it includes high,medium,poor as label in y axis. when i used it through labelformatter the 3 values get repeated for all x values.
I have added below code: var yLabels = [“Poor”,”Average”,”Good”]; var yLabelCounter=0;
labelFormatter: function ( e ) { var yCats = yLabels[yLabelCounter++]; if(yLabelCounter === yLabels.length) yLabelCounter = 0; return yCats; }
Please help me with detailed example..
It seems like you are defining labelFormatter in axisX instead of axisY. Adding labelFormatter to axisY should work fine in your case.
Please take a look at this JSFiddle for working code.
— Vishwas R Team CanvasJS
Hi, Thanks for your reply. I have checked this jsfiddle and exactly I am getting this type of graph only.Here in y axis labels “Poor”,”Average”,”Good” gets repeated many times. But I need to display it 1 time only. Is it possible to do that.. Please provide detailed example.
You can control number of labels by setting interval property. Please check this updated JSFiddle.
Thanks Vishwas for your timely response.. It works for me too. Please guide me for displaying values of hour as label continuously in x-axis. Currently I am getting labels of x-axis based on dynamic data where labels are displaying intermittently . My code is : axisX: { title: “Commit Time”, titleFontSize: 10, titleFontColor:”Brown”, interval:1, intervalType: “hour”, valueFormatString: “hh TT”
in x-axis i am getting only 11,21,10 labels. But I need x-axis labels as 00,01,02,03,04,….,24. Please guide me with example
Can you kindly create a JSFiddle reproducing the issue you are facing and share it with us so that we can understand the scenario better and help you out?
— Suyash Singh Team CanvasJS
I will paste my code here as jsfiddle didint wokr for me. Please refer it ..
<html> <head> <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script> <script type=”text/javascript” src=”canvasjs.min.js”></script> <script type=”text/javascript”> $(document).ready(function () {
var dataPoints1 = []; var dataPoints2 = []; var dataPoints3 = []; var dataPoints4 = []; var yLabels = [“Bad”, “Average”, “Good”]; var yLabelCounter = 0; var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart(“chartContainer”, { title: { text: “Code Quality”, fontSize: 12, fontFamily: “tahoma”, }, tooltip: { enabled: true, /*contentFormatter: function (e) { var content = “”; for (var i = 0; i < e.entries.length; i++){ content = CanvasJS.formatDate(e.entries[i].dataPoint.x, “HH”); } return content; }*/ }, // animationEnabled: true, zoomEnabled: true, dataPointWidth: 10, axisX: { title: “Commit Time”, titleFontSize: 10, titleFontColor: “Brown”, // interlacedColor: “#F0F8FF”, interval: 1, intervalType: “HH”, valueFormatString: “HH:DD”, labelAngle: -20, includeZero: false, //maximum: 24, labelFontFamily: “Verdana”, labelFontColor: “Black”, labelFormatter: function (e) { return CanvasJS.formatDate(e.value, “HH”); } /*labelFormatter: function (e) { return CanvasJS.formatDate(e.value, “hh:mm TT”); },*/ }, axisY: { title: “Quality”, titleFontSize: 10, titleFontColor: “Brown”, labelAngle: -20, labelFontFamily: “Verdana”, labelFontColor: “Black”, /*labelFormatter: function ( e ) { var yCats = yLabels[yLabelCounter++]; if(yLabelCounter === yLabels.length) yLabelCounter = 0; return yCats; } */ interval: 50, labelFormatter: function (e) { var yCats = yLabels[e.value / 50]; return yCats; } }, data: [ { type: “column”, cursor: “pointer”, toolTipContent: “Coverage:{y}%,<br/>Task_id:1001,<br/> no. of lines:{lines}, <br/> start_line:101 , <br/> end_line:500”, // lineDashType: “dot”, // lineColor: “red”, // fillOpacity: .3, xValueType: “date”, y: “{y}”, showInLegend: true, name: “Code Coverage”, dataPoints: dataPoints1 }, { type: “column”, cursor: “pointer”, toolTipContent: “Smell:{y}%,<br/> Task_id:1001,<br>no. of lines:{lines}, <br/> start_line:101 , <br/> end_line:500”, xValueType: “date”, showInLegend: true, name: “Code Smell”, y: “{y}”, dataPoints: dataPoints2 }, { type: “column”, cursor: “pointer”, toolTipContent: “Vulnerability:{y}%,<br/> Task_id:1001,<br> no. of lines:{lines}, <br/> start_line:101 , <br/> end_line:500”, xValueType: “date”, showInLegend: true, name: “Vulnerability”, y: “{y}”, dataPoints: dataPoints3 }, { type: “column”, cursor: “pointer”, toolTipContent: “Bug:{y}%,<br/> Task_id:1001,<br> no. of lines:{lines}, <br/> start_line:101 , <br/> end_line:500”, xValueType: “date”, showInLegend: true, name: “Bug”, y: “{y}”, dataPoints: dataPoints4 }, ] });
// Ajax request for getting JSON data //Replace data.php with your JSON API’s url
$.getJSON(“data2.txt”, function (data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var formatted_date = new Date(data[i].date); var lines = data[i].lines; //var hours = formatted_date.getHours(); dataPoints1.push({label: formatted_date, y: data[i].coverage,lines:lines}); dataPoints2.push({label: formatted_date, y: data[i].smell,lines:lines}); dataPoints3.push({label: formatted_date, y: data[i].vulnerability,lines:lines}); dataPoints4.push({label: formatted_date, y: data[i].bug,lines:lines}); }
//[0].dataPoints = dataPoints1;
chart.render(); }); }); </script> </head> <body>
<div id=”chartContainer” style=”width: 50%; height: 350px;”></div>
</body> </html>
[{“date”:”2017-05-10 1:14:12″,”coverage”:90,”smell”:30,”vulnerability”:15,”bug”:10,”commit_id”:”09rhggsadj”,”project”:”hvx”,”version”:1,”lines”:70}, {“date”:”2017-05-11 10:34:12″,”coverage”:25,”smell”:60,”vulnerability”:70,”bug”:40,”commit_id”:”09rhjigsj”,”project”:”hvx”,”version”:2,”lines”:90}, {“date”:”2017-05-11 20:34:12″,”coverage”:75,”smell”:60,”vulnerability”:70,”bug”:40,”commit_id”:”09rhjigsj”,”project”:”hvx”,”version”:2,”lines”:100}]
Since you are storing date as labels and not as x-value, you should use e.label instead of e.value in labelFormatter function of axisX. Please take a look at this updated JSFiddle.
—- Bivek Singh
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