We tried example http://jsfiddle.net/canvasjs/vxj5ugt2/ with Angular 6, but didn’t get success.
We tried even like that, move mouse over chart ‘antennaTxChart’, save some event, then move over chart ‘bandwidthChart’ and simulate saved event, evt2 event comes to listener ‘chh2.addEventListener(“mousemove”, function(e){ ‘, but no crosshair over ‘antennaTxChart ‘:
this.bandwidthChart = this.createChart(“bandwidthChart”, “”, ” Mbps”, “{x}<br>{y} Mbps”);
let evt2 = new MouseEvent(“mousemove”); // just used for a moment and will be replaced by another
let mine = this;
let ch = this.bandwidthChart;
let chh = document.getElementById(‘bandwidthChart’);
this.antennaTxChart = this.createChart(“antennaTxChart”, “Transmitted”, ” Mbps”, “{x}<br>{y} Mbps”);
let ch2 = this.antennaTxChart;
let chh2 = document.getElementById(‘antennaTxChart’)
chh.addEventListener(“mousemove”, function(e){
console.info(“!!! ” + e.screenX/3 + ” ” + (e.screenY + ch2.get(“height”)) + ” ”
+ ch2.axisX[0].convertValueToPixel(ch.axisX[0].convertPixelToValue(e.clientX)) + ” ” + (e.clientY + ch2.get(“height”)))
chh2.addEventListener(“mousemove”, function(e){
evt2 = e;
console.info(e.screenX + ” ” + e.screenY + ” ” + e.clientX + ” ” + e.clientY)
Also we tried replace chh2, by ch2 and ch2.canvas, no result.
Please help, we really would have crosshair over all our charts, it’s really important for us. Thanks