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Tagged: chart zoom
Sorry for the inconvenience caused. As of now, there is a restriction on zooming, which we will reconsider to improvise further in future releases. For the use-case that you have shared, you can use zoomType as ‘x’ for now.
—- Manoj Mohan Team CanvasJS
Hello, I opened this bug 2 years ago, this is a very long time for bug fix, are you going to fix it soon? it cause me lot of problems.
Thank you
Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Your use-case seems to be working fine with zoomType set to x. As we were busy working on some other important features, we will reconsider this behavior for our upcoming versions.
Do you already have a solution for this? Today I also noticed that zooming and panning is not working if there a only a few data points. My chart displays a timeline (y-axis) and starts with a viewport of around 10 hours. If there is a data point outside this window, it is not possible to use panning to move teh window to that data point.
Can you kindly create JSFiddle reproducing the issue you are facing and share it with us so that we can reproduce the issue at our end, understand the scenario better and help you out?
— Manoj Mohan Team CanvasJS
There are already a few JSFiddle examples in this topic which show you the problem. You could also use the range bar chart example, reduce the data to e.g 2 data points and then you should be able to reproduce this.
We are limiting the zooming & panning to have a minimum of 3-4 datapoints across x-axis in case of xy zooming type. This behaviour is designed to help users not zoom into blank regions (region with no dataPoints).
___________ Adithya Menon, Team CanvasJS
In some situations, this is a restriction which limits the user functionality and does not make sense. E.g. if you are using a range bar chart to display events on a time range and there are e.g. only 2 events within 24 hours (full time range), but the initial viewport is only the last 10 hours: In that situation it should be possible to use the panning functionality to move back to the first event which may actually be outside the viewport (e.g. at the beginning of the 24h range). But due to the restriction you described, panning and zooming is not possible.
When can you fix this issue?
The current behavior while zooming is as per design. We will revisit this behavior in our future releases.
— Thangaraj Raman Team CanvasJS
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