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Home › Forums › Chart Support › Change one candle color and get info from the dataPoints
Tagged: CandleSticks, color change, get data, vectors
I have two questions. 1- Is it possible to get te information from a specific chart? For example, I wanna know if the chart is a hammer or not. Then it’ll have a for to each candle and verify if it is ou not a hammer. 2- Based on that for, can I change the color for a specific chart? If it is a hammer, the color of the chart changes.
Can I do those things?
Hammer pattern in a Candlestick chart can be detected based on the dataPoint y-values as explained in this article. Please take a look at this JSFiddle for an example on adding indexLabel when the hammer pattern is found in a dataPoint.
—- Manoj Mohan Team CanvasJS
That helped a lot. Can I make a logic for every candle and verify if it’s a hammer or not? Then, if it’s a hammer, I use indexLabel to write hammer in it.
The JSFiddle shared above shows how to detect and add indexLabel to hammer dataPoints(candles).
—– Manoj Mohan Team CanvasJS
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