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is there a way to change the color of the vertical line that matches todays date?
See link below for a image on Drobpox that helps to explain.
Dropbox Image Example
You can use striplines on the X-axis to add a vertical line to your chart. To customise the color of this line, you can use the color property.
— Adithya Menon Team CanvasJS
I have the stripline label coming in on a JQUERY datapoint named stripLineLabel
I am trying to figure out how to use this syntax can you help?
stripLines: [ { startValue: centerLine-43200000, endValue: centerLine + 43200000, thickness: 2, color: "#555555", label: "Today: " + dataPoint.stripLineLabel[0], labelFontColor: "#a8a8a8" }]
Passing stripline label property while parsing the JSON received from the service seems to be working fine. Please check out the code snippet below for the same,
stripLines: [{ thickness: 2, color: "#555555", label: "Today: " + jsonData.stripLineLabel[0], labelFontColor: "#a8a8a8" }]
If you are still facing issue, kindly create a sample project reproducing the issue you are facing and share it with us over Google-Drive or Onedrive along with sample data so that we can look into your code, run it locally at our end to understand the scenario better and help you out.
—- Adithya Menon Team CanvasJS
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