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canvasjs preview

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  • #6736

    it would be great to be able to customize charts “on the fly”.
    I published an example of how this can be implemented: https://github.com/XAOPT/canvasjs-preview
    Screenshot: http://oi59.tinypic.com/vghjeo.jpg
    With that tool I noted that undesirable effect: http://jsfiddle.net/knj020mx/1/ . Markers doesn’t have border in legend.


    Legend is not appearing properly because markerColor has been set to white. Works properly if we comment it out. http://jsfiddle.net/knj020mx/2/


    Yes, sure, but markerBorderColor color was set to red and markerBorderThickness at 1. Looks nice at chart, but not in legend.

    Thank you for your answer.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by XAOPT.

    Great work.
    I have taken a different approach:


    About subject, in my case (v1.5.0 Beta 1):

    if ("pie" !== h.type && "doughnut" !== h.type && "funnel" !== h.type) k = {
        markerType: k,
        markerColor: m,

    Replace with:

    if ("pie" !== h.type && "doughnut" !== h.type && "funnel" !== h.type) k = {
        markerBorderColor: h._colorSet[0]
        markerType: k,
        markerColor: m,

    I.drawMarker(f + r / 2, g + this.lineHeight / 2, this.ctx, k.markerType, r, k.markerColor, null, 0);
    replace with
    I.drawMarker(f + r / 2, g + this.lineHeight / 2, this.ctx, k.markerType, r, k.markerColor, k.markerBorderColor, 1);

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by XAOPT.
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