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Tagged: #SyntaxError #React #CanvasJS
I am having issues trying to use CanvasJS on React, I followed the steps from here and tried simple code sample I downloaded from the website too:
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import CanvasJSReact from './lib/canvasjs.react'; //import CanvasJSReact from 'chart.js'; var CanvasJSChart = CanvasJSReact.CanvasJSChart; class PieChart extends Component { render() { const options = { exportEnabled: true, animationEnabled: true, title: { text: "Website Traffic Sources" }, data: [{ type: "pie", startAngle: 75, toolTipContent: "<b>{label}</b>: {y}%", showInLegend: "true", legendText: "{label}", indexLabelFontSize: 16, indexLabel: "{label} - {y}%", dataPoints: [ { y: 18, label: "Direct" }, { y: 49, label: "Organic Search" }, { y: 9, label: "Paid Search" }, { y: 5, label: "Referral" }, { y: 19, label: "Social" } ] }] } return ( <div> <h1>React Pie Chart</h1> <CanvasJSChart options = {options} /* onRef={ref => this.chart = ref} */ /> {/*You can get reference to the chart instance as shown above using onRef. This allows you to access all chart properties and methods*/} </div> ); } } export default PieChart;
I tried to build it, but it throws an SyntaxError from the CanvasJS File, I also tried with the NPM version, but I had the same issue. Syntax Error:
It seems to be working fine. Can you kindly create a sample project reproducing the issue and share it with us over Google-Drive or Onedrive so that we can look into your code, understand the scenario better and help you out?
—- Manoj Mohan Team CanvasJS
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