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Tagged: StripLine
I am unable to add a simple stripLine to my chart. I have used 8-char string format of time as my x-axis. Could this be the issue?
I’ve tried all the example code I can find…
chart.options.axisX.stripLines[0].value = “11:15:40”; chart.options.axisX[0].stripLines.push[{value: “11:15:40”}];
Any ideas?
I realise now that I have used ‘label’ and not ‘x’. Is this going to be a problem?
When just labels are passed without x-values, x-values are automatically added in successive order as 0,1,2,3,4…
In order to add a stripLine to a particular value, you can set the value property of the stripLines as the corresponding x-value of the dataPoint. You can use the label property in order to set the label of the stripline as an 8-char string format of time.
— Adithya Menon Team CanvasJS
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