Home Forums Chart Support 404 error when GETing /static/canvasjs.min.js

404 error when GETing /static/canvasjs.min.js

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  • #43385

    I’m new to ConvasJS.

    My first chart makes use of the code from the Multi Series Chart example using Python.
    Initially it worked. Now it’s stopped.

    The 404 error emanates from this piece of code at the end of the template:

    <h2>Check Point 2</h2>
    <div id=”chartContainer” style=”width: 100%; height: 360px;”></div>
    <cript src=”{% static ‘canvasjs.min.js’ %}”></cript>

    I’ve followed the instructions, downloaded the commercial version of canvasJS and placed canvasjs.min.js into the same folder as the template that invokes canvasJS.min but nothing happens. The screen is blank.

    What as I doing wrong?


    PS I’m sure you’ll understand why <cript> is there



    We have tested the sample locally and it seems to be working fine on our end. It looks like you might have copied just the template(index.html) & missed out on replacing the view(views.py).

    Please take a look at this sample project for a working example. Replacing the trial version of the CanvasJS file (canvasjs.min.js) with the commercial version also seems to be working fine.

    If you are still facing issues, kindly help us with more information like errors in the console, the browser in which the problem occurs or steps to reproduce the issue, etc.

    Thangaraj Raman
    Team CanvasJS

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