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Adam Pallozzi,

Thanks for being a valuable customer of CanvasJS.

Please follow the below steps to add custom marker to CanvasJS Chart.
1. Add marker drawing logic in the end of drawMarker method of canvasjs.js (Source-Code) downloaded from My Account page.

else if(markerType === "customMarkerType") { 
    //marker drawing logic

2. Define the newly added markerType in dataseries

data: [{
    markerType: "customMarkerType"

Below code-snippet will help you in adding star as marker-type to CanvasJS Chart.

//Add the below lines at the end of drawMarker method
else if (markerType === "star") {
    var points = 6;
    ctx.strokeStyle = markerColor;

    ctx.moveTo(x, y + markerSize);
    for (var i = 0; i < 2 * points + 1; i++) {
        var r = (i % 2 == 0) ? markerSize : markerSize / 2;
        var a = Math.PI * i / points;
        ctx.lineTo(x + r * Math.sin(a), y + r * Math.cos(a));

    if (markerColor)

//Define marker-type in chart-options
data: [{
    markerType: "star",

JavaScript Line Chart with Custom Marker

Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS