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You can plot more than one dataseries to display the multi-series range-area chart. Please find the code-snippet below.

data: [
    type: "rangeArea", 
    color: "red",
    dataPoints: [
      { x: 122.2, y: [100,100]},
      { x: 122.2, y: [2150,2150]},
      { x: 121.4, y: [2150,2150]},
      { x: 121.6, y: [1500,1500]},          
    type: "rangeArea",
    color: "green",
    dataPoints: [
      { x: 122.1, y: [100,1500]}, 
      { x: 122,   y: [100,1500]}, 
      { x: 121.6, y: [1500,1500]},
      { x: 122,   y: [100,100]},
      { x: 122.1, y: [100,100]},                  

Also, Please take a look at this JSFiddle for working sample.


Ranjitha R
Team CanvasJS