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Hello @manoj-mohan

Thank you for your code but it give a probleme with this json data :

{ “label”: “Bill”, “month”: “January”, “y”: 11 },
{ “label”: “Chris”, “month”: “January”, “y”: 13 },
{ “label”: “Jesse”, “month”: “January”, “y”: 18 },
{ “label”: “Lilia”, “month”: “January”, “y”: 65 },
{ “label”: “Bill”, “month”: “February”, “y”: 7 },
{ “label”: “Chris”, “month”: “February”, “y”: 56 },
{ “label”: “Bill”, “month”: “Mars”, “y”: 11 },
{ “label”: “Chris”, “month”: “Mars”, “y”: 13 },
{ “label”: “Jesse”, “month”: “Mars”, “y”: 18 },
{ “label”: “Lilia”, “month”: “Mars”, “y”: 65 },

data for mars its display in Febrary.

Can you have a look tks?