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Thank you for sharing the sample project.

– x axis will be Date value
– y axis will be sensor value

In order to create a chart with date and time axis, you can parse the x-values are date objects and y-value as a number as shown below:

var sensor1 = <?php echo json_encode($json_sensor1, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); ?>;
var sensor2 = <?php echo json_encode($json_sensor2, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); ?>;
var dataPoints1 = [], dataPoints2 = [];
for(var i = 0; i < sensor1.length; i++){
	dataPoints1.push({ x: new Date(sensor1[i].Date), y: Number(sensor1[i].sensorValue)});
for(var i = 0; i < sensor2.length; i++){
	dataPoints2.push({ x: new Date(sensor2[i].Date), y: Number(sensor2[i].sensorValue)});

– plot only the latest 50 data points
– update the graph every 5 seconds and only showing 50 data points

If you don’t want the dataPoints to keep getting accumulated, you can remove old values from the beginning of the Array before the chart is rendered. This process of getting new value from sensors and rendering the chart with those can be repeated every 5 seconds as shown below:

setInterval(function(){updateChart()}, updateInterval);

function updateChart() {
  xValue = dataPoints1[dataPoints1.length - 1].x.getTime();
  var deltaY1, deltaY2;
  xValue += updateInterval;
  // adding random value
  yValue1 += Math.round(2 + Math.random() *(-2-2));
  yValue2 += Math.round(2 + Math.random() *(-2-2));

  // pushing the new values
    x: new Date(xValue),
    y: yValue1
    x: new Date(xValue),
    y: yValue2

  if(dataPoints1.length > 50){
  if(dataPoints2.length > 50){
  // updating legend text with  updated with y Value 
  chart.options.data[0].legendText = "Sensor 1 " + yValue1;
  chart.options.data[1].legendText = " Sensor 2 " + yValue2; 

Please take a look at this updated sample project for a working example with sample code.

Live updating CanvasJS chart in PHP using data from Database

Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS