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I am refer this jsfiddle but problem is our data get into database as a java code how to call into js its problem
plz check our code.

window.onload = function() {

var chart1 = new CanvasJS.Chart(‘piechart’, {
theme : “light2”,
animationEnabled : true,
exportFileName : “Service Transaction”,
exportEnabled : true,
title : {
text : “Transaction Wise”

data : [ {
type : “pie”,
showInLegend : true,
legendText : “{label}”,
toolTipContent : “{label}: {y}%“,
indexLabel : “{label} {y}%”,
dataPoints :
} ]

var chart2 = new CanvasJS.Chart(‘piechart1’, {
theme : “light2”,
animationEnabled : true,
exportFileName : “Service Amount”,
exportEnabled : true,
title : {
text : “Amount Wise”
data : [ {
type : “pie”,
showInLegend : true,
legendText : “{label}”,
toolTipContent : “{label}: {y}%“,
indexLabel : “{label} {y}%”,
dataPoints :
} ]


plz check our code and plz suggest me also i apply this code on js fiddle its not working