Thank you. I would like to create one JSON file with all the data in it to create the chart you made. I’m having trouble getting it to work though. I can do it if I create an JSON file for each month but that is not ideal way to do it. Can I do it if my JSON file looks something like this?
{“label”: “Bill”,”month”: “January”,”y”: 11},
{“label”: “Chris”,”month”: “January”,”y”: 13},
{“label”: “Jesse”,”month”: “January”,”y”: 18},
{“label”: “Lilia”,,”month”: “January””y”: 65},
{“label”: “Bill”,”month”: “February”,”y”: 7},
{“label”: “Chris”,”month”: “February”,”y”: 56},
{“label”: “Jesse”,”month”: “February”,”y”: 32},
{“label”: “Lilia”,,”month”: “JFebruary””y”: 65}