Home Forums Chart Support How to fix the tooltip when clicking on a datapoint? Reply To: How to fix the tooltip when clicking on a datapoint?



I’d like to click on a datapoint and fix the tooltip so that I can click the hyperlink in it

Please take a look at the second example on this page for adding hyperlinks in toolTip.

And the second question is that is it possible to copy the text in the tooltip?

You can add the below style to canvasjs-chart-tooltip class to enable the user selection for toolTip content.

.canvasjs-chart-tooltip * {
  pointer-events: auto !important;
  -webkit-user-select: auto !important; /* Safari 3.1+ */
  -moz-user-select: auto !important; /* Firefox 2+ */
  -ms-user-select: auto !important; /* IE 10+ */
  user-select: auto !important; /* Standard syntax */

Priyanka M S
Team CanvasJS