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var jsonData = {
“December”: [
{ “x”: “1st”, “y”: 10.22 },
{ “x”: “2nd”, “y”: 11.14 },
{ “x”: “3rd”, “y”: 13.58 },
{ “x”: “4th”, “y”: 15.25 },
{ “x”: “5th”, “y”: 17.25 },
{ “x”: “6th”, “y”: 10.22 },
{ “x”: “7th”, “y”: 11.14 },
{ “x”: “8th”, “y”: 13.58 },
{ “x”: “9th”, “y”: 15.25 },
{ “x”: “10th”, “y”: 17.25 },
{ “x”: “11th”, “y”: 10.22 },
{ “x”: “12th”, “y”: 11.14 },
{ “x”: “13th”, “y”: 13.58 },
{ “x”: “14th”, “y”: 15.25 },
{ “x”: “15th”, “y”: 17.25 },
{ “x”: “16th”, “y”: 10.22 },
{ “x”: “17th”, “y”: 11.14 },
{ “x”: “18th”, “y”: 13.58 },
{ “x”: “19th”, “y”: 15.25 },
{ “x”: “20th”, “y”: 17.25 },
{ “x”: “21st”, “y”: 10.22 },
{ “x”: “22nd”, “y”: 11.14 },
{ “x”: “23rd”, “y”: 13.58 },
{ “x”: “24th”, “y”: 15.25 },
{ “x”: “25th”, “y”: 17.25 },
{ “x”: “26th”, “y”: 10.22 },
{ “x”: “27th”, “y”: 11.14 },
{ “x”: “28th”, “y”: 13.58 },
{ “x”: “29th”, “y”: 15.25 },
{ “x”: “30th”, “y”: 17.25 },
{ “x”: “31st”, “y”: 17.25 }
var dataPoints = [];
var chartformonth = new CanvasJS.Chart(“profitformonth”,
title: {
text: “Profit For Month”
axisX: {
interval: 1,
intervalType: “day”
axisY: {
gridColor: “white”,
interval: 10,
minimum: 10,
maximum: 100
data: [{
type: ‘column’,
dataPoints: dataPoints

$(“.dropdown”).change(function () {
chartformonth.options.data[0].dataPoints = [];
var e = document.getElementById(“selectMonthList”);
var selected = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
dps = jsonData[selected];
for (var i in dps) {
chartformonth.options.data[0].dataPoints.push({ x: dps[i].x, y: dps[i].y });

There a problem in the loop data not rendering on chart, bolded that area above area is correct. plz help!