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Hi Sanjoy,

I don’t have problem in data loading, the issue is with the plotting intervals,
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart(“chartContainer”, {
text: “Plotting Interval Issue in CanvasJS”
minimum: -109,
maximum: 60,
interval: 42.25
data: [
// Change type to “doughnut”, “line”, “splineArea”, etc.
type: “column”,
dataPoints: [
{ label: “apple”, y: 51.9 },
{ label: “orange”, y: 7.75 },
{ label: “banana”, y: 5.07 },
{ label: “mango”, y: 2.59 },
{ label: “watermelon”, y: 2.58 },
{ label: “grape”, y: 1.09 },
{ label: “carrot”, y: 0.04 },
{ label: “lemon”, y: -0.01 },
{ label: “jackfruit”, y: -0.01 },
{ label: “custardapple”, y: -0.02 },
{ label: “butterfruit”, y: -29.11 },
{ label: “jackfruit”, y: -94.29 }


In the above sample the canvasjs automatically changes my max,min and intervals and the plotting intervals are -84.5,-42.25,0,42.25 but it should have been -109,-66.75,-24.5,17.75,60.