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Display evaluation objects on line chart

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  • #38068


    is it possible to display evaluation objects (e.g. rectangles, polygons, envelopes) over line charts (e.g. as overlay with transparent half transparent background color)? Can you please provide an example?



    You can use markers to show circle, square, triangle or cross in line charts. Please refer to documentation for more information along with live examples that you can try out.
    JavaScript Chart Markers

    If this doesn’t fit your requirements can you kindly share some example or pictorial representation of what you are looking for so that we can understand your requirement better & help you out?

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    Thanks for the response! I do not want to use different objects (polygons) as markers, but as separate objects which represent evaluation windows for the corresponding graph (e.g. for force/distance graphs from press devices)


    Thanks for the response! I do not want to use different objects (polygons) as markers, but as separate objects which represent evaluation windows for the corresponding graph, like the green areas in the force/distance graph) below:




    It’s not possible to have different polygon shapes on chart as of now. However, you can use scatter chart to show supported markers / shapes (circle, triangle, square, cross) anywhere with different size within the plot-area as shown in this JSFiddle.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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