the event I want to do is in the sql in the next image, I prefer to get the data from the database and take preference2017 and preference2016 draw it to the y column, I would like to show it separately for each one but I would like to show it separately for each row in 2016-2017 so sql de id si 1 If you press 3, you will only have 3 IDs and you will have 2016-2017 preferences. I would like to ask you if I can make this table.
I do not sit in the logic of these columns I’ve pulled the columns together with each other but how will each come up with the following id 100 i have a separate table 275 would make a separate table i could not understand it i need it If you examine from / address, there is a description of each university, I will call these numbers there, but I want to do graphical where is the article describing the way to do it?