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Hi, i have the almost the same question.
The following code is working:

<script type="text/javascript">
							  window.onload = function () {
								var data = [
									{ Name: "Open System", Total: os },
									{ Name: "Rationeel", Total: r },
									{ Name: "Intern Proces", Total: ip },
									{ Name: "Human Relations", Total: hr }

								var dps=[];
								$.each(data, function (i, item) {
									dps.push({label: item.Name, y: item.Total });
								var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer",
								  data: [
									type: "column",
									dataPoints: dps
									text: "De vier kwadranten"

Only the variables for Total aren’t working.
The variables are in my code like this:

var os = "<?php echo $os; ?>";
					var r = "<?php echo $r; ?>";
					var ip = "<?php echo $ip; ?>";
					var hr = "<?php echo $hr; ?>";

Can you solve my problem? I want the php-variables in the chart.
The php tot js variable lines are working, so the problem is in the code of the chart.