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Pie chart color not changing

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  • #13966

    I am using a canvasjs to make a pie chart. I am using it in my custom code where I am getting the response from the server in an xml file and then I am using it to fill the chart values. My problem is that I am not able to change the colour of the chart meaning even for different labels the colour remains the same for the whole pie chart.

    I used debugger also where it the value for colour is changing but still I am not able to resolve it.

    color: scopes.chart_color_value[i]

    I am using an another configuration file where I am storing colour values.

    Here is my custom code

    $scope.loadChartValue = function (data, scopes) {
        scopes.data_id = [];
        scopes.legend_text = "";
        scopes.inner_chart_data = [];
        for (var i = 0; i <= data.length; i++) {
            var arrayvalue = data[0].data[i]._attr
            if (existsInArray(scopes.data_id, arrayvalue.label._value) == false) {
            scopes.inner_chart_data = [];
            var i=1;
            for (var j = 0; j < data[0].data.length; j++) {
                scopes.inner_chart_data.push({ label: data[0].data[j]._attr.label._value, y: data[0].data[j]._attr.value._value });
                           type: "pie",
                           markerType: "circle",
                           markerSize: scopes.markersize,
                           color: scopes.chart_color_value[i],
                           showInLegend: false,
                           name: scopes.legend_text,
                           dataPoints: scopes.inner_chart_data

    I dont know how to upload a pic either I have uploaded

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by shv22.

    If I am using the same code which I use for line it will produce two doughnut chart instead of one. But why I am not getting

    $scope.loadChartValue = function (data, scopes) {
    scopes.data_id = [];
    scopes.legend_text = “”;
    scopes.inner_chart_data = [];

    for (var i = 0; i <= data.length; i++) {
    var arrayvalue = data[0].data[i]._attr;
    if (existsInArray(scopes.data_id, arrayvalue.label._value) == false) {

    for (var i = 0; i < scopes.data_id.length; i++) {
    scopes.inner_chart_data = [];
    for (var j = 0; j <= data.length; j++) {
    if (data[0].data[j]._attr.label._value == scopes.data_id[i]) {

    scopes.inner_chart_data.push({ label: data[0].data[j]._attr.label._value, y: data[0].data[j]._attr.value._value });
    scopes.legend_text = data[0].data[j]._attr.label._value;
    type: “doughnut”,

    markerType: “circle”,
    markerSize: scopes.markersize,
    color: scopes.chart_color_value[i],
    showInLegend: true,
    name: scopes.legend_text,
    legendText: scopes.legend_text,
    dataPoints: scopes.inner_chart_data



    You’re setting the color of entire dataSeries. That’s why whole pie chart is shown in single color.

    color: scopes.chart_color_value[i],

    Remove above line from scopes.dataset.push() and add it inside scopes.inner_chart_data.push();

    for (var j = 0; j < data[0].data.length; j++) {
    	scopes.inner_chart_data.push({ label: data[0].data[j]._attr.label._value, color: scopes.chart_color_value[j],y:  data[0].data[j]._attr.value._value });
      type: "pie",
      markerType: "circle",
      markerSize: scopes.markersize,
      showInLegend: false,
      name: scopes.legend_text,
      dataPoints: scopes.inner_chart_data

    For you second query, doughnut chart is not multi series chart like line chart. That’s why you don’t get 2 charts.


    Thanks, I got that after posting here…. I was having pie chart inside a doughnut chart but only doughnut chart is I can see. I have set backgroundColor as transparent but still no use… can you please tell me if something I am missing here?


    I have figured out how to make pie chart inside doughnut but pie chart is small how can I make it big. Here also I have posted my query http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41607486/make-pie-chart-bigger-without-affecting-doughnut-chart/41607600?noredirect=1#comment70417678_41607600

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by shv22.


    You can use backgroundColor property to change chart background-color, which defaults to white.
    Chart with Background Color

    Regarding the second query, you can increase the width and height (which is set to 78px and 100px) and change left/top accordingly so that pie is positioned properly.

    Vishwas R


    Hi, Vishwas thanks for your response. I did exactly the same i.e., increasing height and width but the problem is when I do that the div of inside pie chart overlaps with the inner circle of doughnut which occurs in doughnut having a white space. I changed the background-color to transparent then also I facing this issue…

    I have updated my pic here (See the second one) where I am highlighting the same problem. Waiting for your response. Uploaded my pic here



    You can set chart backgroundColor to “transparent” instead of setting it to div. Please check this working fiddle.
    Pie Chart inside Doughnut Chart

    Vishwas R


    Hi, I have tried setting the same in my pie chart like you suggested like
    This is from my code here I applied backgroundColor property

    var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart(id,
    backgroundColor: “transparent”,

    but still white space is there. Any suggestion?



    It seems to be working fine. Please check this jsfiddle. If you are still facing issue, please create a jsfiddle with the issue, so that we can look into it and help you out.

    Vishwas R


    Hi sorry for the late response…I have done the same thing the fiddle it is working there but when I reusing the same in the code as a plugin and creating chart there it seems to fail. Although, if I change colour there from transparent to black or something else it is working fine…so meaning only transparent is looking like white…why I don’t understand


    Hi thank you for your help. I have figured out what I was doing wrong.


    Just one more query,

    Chart Label overlapping

    here I want to place the Label inside the Pie chart and doughnut chart but I am not able to do. Although, I am using the property indexLabelPlacement: “inside”, still it is coming out.

    For Pie chart I am not able to see what it is.

    Note: Yellow color label is of pie and the Black color label is of Doughnut.



    indexLabelPlacement: “inside” seems to be working fine. Please check this JSFiddle. If you are still facing issue, create a JSFiddle with the issue so that we can look into it and help you out.
    Doughnut Chart with Indexlabels

    Vishwas R


    Hi, yes it is inside but we only have the data value not with its data label. Like I am posting a pic


    I want something like this. Could be able to achieve that?

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