Home Forums Feature Requests & Feedback Support for HTML unicode characters

Support for HTML unicode characters

  • #10104

    Hi, I have the following canvas js code for my graph,

    `var line=new CanvasJS.Chart(“chartContainer_line”,

    text: “Revenue”,
    fontFamily: “calibri black”
    animationEnabled: true,
    axisY: {
    title: “Company Based Revenue”
    legend: {
    verticalAlign: “bottom”,
    horizontalAlign: “center”
    theme: “theme1”,
    data: [

    type: “column”,
    showInLegend: true,
    legendMarkerColor: “grey”,
    legendText: “Currency in Rupees(₹)”,
    dataPoints: [
    {y: 297571, label: “SD1”},
    {y: 267017, label: “SD2” },
    {y: 175200, label: “SD3”},
    {y: 154580, label: “SD4”},
    {y: 116000, label: “SD5”},
    {y: 97800, label: “SD6”},
    {y: 20682, label: “SD7”},
    {y: 20350, label: “SD10”}

    As you can notice the legendText attribute i have specified the text ₹ and it recognized the rupee symbol, I want to add the html unicode characters to show the Rupee symbol inside the Chart. Thanks for help.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by lakshman.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by lakshman.

    Hi Lakshman,

    In order to represent “₹”, you can use the “\u20B9” Unicode. You can set the indexLabel property to the Unicode mentioned above to show the Rupee symbol inside the chart.

    Kindly take a look at the code snippet below,

      data: [
          type: "column",
          showInLegend: true,
          legendMarkerColor: "grey",
          legendText: "Currency in Rupees(\u20B9)",
          indexLabel: "\u20B9{y}",
          dataPoints: [
            {y: 297571, label: "SD1"},
            {y: 267017, label: "SD2" },
            {y: 175200, label: "SD3"},
            {y: 154580, label: "SD4"},
            {y: 116000, label: "SD5"},
            {y: 97800, label: "SD6"},
            {y: 20682, label: "SD7"},
            {y: 20350, label: "SD10"}

    Also, please take a look at this JSFiddle for an example on setting Rupee Symbol as the indexLabel using Unicode.

    chart displaying rupee symbol in the index label


    I’m passing into an Angular component the following:

    <componentName yAxisLabel=”\u00B5W / cm\u00B2″></componentName>

    Then, within the component I am using the @Input value like this:
    @Input() yAxisLabel: string;

    …CanvasJS Chart config…

    axisY: {
    title: this.yAxisLabel

    However, the chart translates it literally as “\u00B5W / cm\u00B2” which is what displays as the axis title. It works just fine if I hard-code the title, but not as an input value.

    Where I was passing: “\u00B5W / cm\u00B2”
    I now pass the HTML Entity: “µW / cm²”

    …CanvasJS Chart config…

    axisY: {
    title: this.yAxisLabel

    Works like a charm.

    A great reference for HTML entities, etc: https://www.toptal.com/designers/htmlarrows/

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