Forum Replies Created by kinokatsu

Viewing 9 posts - 31 through 39 (of 39 total)
  • in reply to: The label on the X axis protrudes. #20522


    thanks for your reply.

    I appreciate your suggestion.
    But, I would like to use methods that do not use “angle” whenever possible.

    I created a dummy ‘axisY2’ (No label, No tick) and adjusted the position with margin.

    I want to add a question.

    I want to know if animation can be done from bottom to top in the area chart.

    in reply to: The label on the X axis protrudes. #20511


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by kinokatsu.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by kinokatsu.
    in reply to: No Sync at jQuery chart. #14225

    Great! (^o^)/

    I edited jsfiddle a little bit.

    All graph scale change.
    jQuery ‘.last()’ has been deleted.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by kinokatsu. Reason: mistake
    in reply to: No Sync at jQuery chart. #14212

    I appreciate your answer.

    First time is OK.

    The way to reproduce is as follows.
    1. Zoom at Chart(ex Chart3).
    2. Click the ‘Reset’ button.
    3. Click the ‘Scale Change’ button.
    4. Shown ‘Pan’ and ‘Reset’ button.
    5. Click the ‘Reset’ button.
    It can always be reproduced. Please check it.

    in reply to: No Sync at jQuery chart. #14198

    My today’s question was delete…. ;-<

    in reply to: No Sync at jQuery chart. #14234

    I appreciate your answer. :-)

    I thought that it was ok so ‘JAVASCRIPT’ pane ‘LOAD TYPE’ is ‘onLoad’.

    Then, the last question.
    When the scale is changed, the pan / reset button is displayed, but can you do without display?

    Click the reset button.
    It is displayed each time the Scale Change button is clicked.
    Since the scale setting is the same, the button is displayed even if there is no change in the display.

    in reply to: No Sync at jQuery chart. #14231


    My Chrome 49.0.2623.112 m(WinXP 32bit) and 55.0.2883.87 m (Win7 64-bit), the scale did not change.
    Firefox 51.0.1 (Win7 32bit) too.

    Error is [VM353:173 Uncaught ReferenceError: scaleChange is not defined].

    I do not have a way to solve it.

    in reply to: No Sync at jQuery chart. #14175

    Oh! Thanx.

    It’s not ‘var chart1 = new CanvasJS.Chart(“chartContainer1”, {‘, but ‘$(“#chartContainer1”).CanvasJSChart({‘ and ‘chart3 = $(“#chartContainer3”).CanvasJSChart()’.

    It’s OK.

    I edited jsfiddle further..

    it’s maximum and minimum of Y Axis by jQuery.
    But, no changed…. ;-<

    in reply to: No Sync at jQuery chart. #14148

    Thank you for answer.

    I checked ‘jsfiddle for syncing across 3 charts.’.

    But I want to use ‘Query Chart Types’.

    I edited jsfiddle(No sync).
    Please check this jsfiddle for syncing across 3 charts at jQuery chart type.

Viewing 9 posts - 31 through 39 (of 39 total)