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zooming not working

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  • #12270

    Here is the code, it is not zooming, if you change one of the y value from 12592 to 12592.1, then zooming works.
    Please fix this ASAP as our users are complaining about this.

    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    window.onload = function () {
    var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart(“chartContainer”,
    zoomEnabled: true,
    zoomType: “xy”,
    text: “Earthquakes – per month”
    axisX: {
    valueFormatString: “MMM”,
    intervalType: “month”
    includeZero: false



    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://cdn.canvasjs.com/canvasjs.min.js”></script></head&gt;
    <div id=”chartContainer” style=”height: 300px; width: 100%;”>


    by the way, if you add 0.1 to all y value, it is not working either


    Your posted code needed quite a bit of cleanup, but I have made a fiddle for you, so it can bee addressed more easily:

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Eesger. Reason: link fixed




    It is designed this way. We don’t see a point in zooming a chart if all the dataPoints represent the exact same value.


    Please note Series 3 in the above fiddle example. not all the data points have the same value.



    The behavior is designed like that. Zooming area is invalidated based on the minimum-difference between the dataPoints as of now. We will reconsider this behavior and get back to you at the earliest.

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