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zoom not working.

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  • #20528

    My code is not zooming.

    Zoom was working until the middle of coding. I do not know when some time it has stopped working.
    Please point out which code is bad.



    The behavior is designed such that zooming is limited upto a certain region, so the user doesn’t end up zooming into a blank-region (region with no dataPoints). To zoom into a certain region, there should be a minimum of 3-4 dataPoints.

    In your case, zoom doesn’t work as its getting invalidated over axisY. However zoomType: ‘x’ works fine in your case.

    We will reconsider this behavior for future releases.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    Hi. Vishwas,

    thanks for your reply.

    It is invalid because “axisYType” of “river shape” is “secondary”?
    Zoom worked if I made that line missing.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by kinokatsu. Reason: Link missed


    Yes, as there are only 2 dataPoints attached to secondary y-axis, it invalidates the zooming region over y-axis.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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