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X Axis : display real system time

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  • #4870

    Is there anyway to display X Axis data points as system time, type hh:mm:ss. My data points is real-time, which mean dynamic chart, getting by 1 second, so I just want to find out it’s possible to display X Axis as system time or not. Please help me !

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by dungeonlegend.

    Yes, it is possible to show date & time on x axis. Just set the x value to current time just before adding it to the dataPoints array. Below is how it would look.

    chart.options.data[0].dataPoints.push({x: new Date(), y: 5});

    And set valueFormatString to “hh:mm:ss.

    Sunil Urs


    Thank you so much for helping me out ! I’ll try to fix my code right now !

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