Home Forums Chart Support three questions: shadow, hover datapoints, toolTip remain

three questions: shadow, hover datapoints, toolTip remain

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  • #21219

    1) can I set shadow of my line chart on the background of chart?
    2) my datapoints are circular points that their inside is empty. (by setting the datapoints color to “white” and setting markerBorderThickness: 2 and markerBorderColor: “red”) but I wanna when I hover my mouse on it, it fill the circle (set the color of that specific data to red) (it just make the circle size, bigger). Maybe it can be done by mouseover and mouseout functions but it seems to be a better solution. if not i’ll be glad if you put some code to change color(something like e.dataSeries.dataPoint.color=”red”; ?!!!)
    3) I wanna when I click on a data point , the toolTip remain and don’t disappear.



    1) Please take a look at this jsfiddle to set shadow in line chart.

    Maybe it can be done by mouseover and mouseout functions but it seems to be a better solution. if not i’ll be glad if you put some code to change color(something like e.dataSeries.dataPoint.color=”red”; ?!!!)

    Thanks for your suggestion. We’ll reconsider it for our future releases.

    3) toolTip can be hidden on click of dataPoint by disabling it on click and enabling on mouseover. Please take a look at this jsfiddle.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS


    thanx for reply. but your shadow code has problem with animationEnabled: true . animation disables shadow. but thanx again.

    oh if I change properties of lines 49,50,51 it will be solved. so what are those lines for?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Black3rror.


    In lines 28,29,30 we are setting shadowColor, shadowBlur and shadowOffsetX. If you are rendering only one chart type, you can comment lines 49,50,51. If you are combining different chart types like line, column, area etc. and if those lines are commented, the shadow gets applied to all the chart types. So it’s advised to reset it.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

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