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The is fixed! Sry for asking

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  • #32755

    Hi, i cant post comment on my question yet. I guess you have to accept the question first.

    I went into the canvasjs.min.js and found that you already are checking (if string) you take the string as ID, else you take it as element. So nice! Good work :)

    So now i send in the element instead, not the ID!

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by chrisbergs.

    You should specify this in the “examples” write comments like, (ID of element, or element itself)



    Thanks for your valuable feedback.

    You can either pass the ID of the element where chart has to be rendered or the DOM element itself. This point is already addressed in Getting Started section of documentation. Please refer to the screenshot below.
    CanvasJS Pass ID / DOM Element

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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