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Syncing month and week on x-axis

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  • #34621


    Dear Team,

    Is there a smart way to sync a graph with 2 timebound x-axis

    X-axis = Months of a year like 2021-01 up to 2021-12
    X-axis2 = Weeks of a year like 2021-01 up to 2021-53 or (depending on weekdefinition like 2020-53 up to 2021-52)

    In my graph; current week is displayed left from month 2021-06 (as of date 14-6-2021)

    kind regards



    Can you please create a JSFiddle reproducing your current use-case and share it with us so that we can understand your scenario better and help you out?

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS

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