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Stacked Column Wrong Label X

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  • #43970

    Hello I have Code Like this

    var jsonData = {
            "Kontrak": [
                {"total": "48","kdcab": "JKT"},
                {"total": "33","kdcab": "BKL"},
                {"total": "25","kdcab": "PK4A"}
            "Tetap": [
                {"total": "165","kdcab": "JKT"},
                {"total": "127","kdcab": "BKL"},
                {"total": "52","kdcab": "PK4A"}
            "Honorer": [
                {"total": "2","kdcab": "JKT"}
            "RUPS": [
                {"total": "13","kdcab": "JKT"}
            "Kontrak Project": [
                {"total": "1","kdcab": "JKT"}
            "Percobaan": [
                {"total": "1","kdcab": "PK4A"}
            "MITRA": [
                {"total": "7","kdcab": "PK4A"}
        var dataPoints = [];
        for (var key in jsonData) {
            var data = jsonData[key];
            var series = { type: "stackedColumn", showInLegend: true, name: key, dataPoints: [] };
            for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
              series.dataPoints.push({ label: data[i].kdcab, y: parseInt(data[i].total) });
         // Create the chart
        var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", {
            animationEnabled: true,
            title: {
                text: "Stacked Column Chart"
            axisY: {
                title: "Total"
            toolTip: {
                shared: true
            data: dataPoints

    But its Wrong Label and value ? JKT Not available in X label ?
    How to solve it



    In case of Stacked Charts, datapoints across multiple dataseries are aligned based on x-values and not the labels. Passing x-value along with label should work fine in this case. Please take a look at this JSFiddle for an example.

    Ananya Deka
    Team CanvasJS

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