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Stack not visible for small value in stacked column chart

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  • #27612

    I am using stacked column chart to represent two categories. When 1 category have value of 1768 and other 10, then whole bar is shown as 1768 with color say red, no representation for other value 10 with green color. How to set min height to datapoint so that it will be visible in bar.
    Datapoint 1 : 1678
    Datapoint 2 : 3



    As the difference in the two mentioned dataPoint y-value is large, height of the smaller y-value dataPoint will be negligible and not visible. We will reconsider this behaviour to be improved in future releases. However, you can workaround this behaviour by adding some larger value dataPoint instead of smaller value as shown in this JSFiddle.

    Manoj Mohan
    Team CanvasJS

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