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Setting Consistent Y axis value on Column Charts

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  • #28362

    Any way to set the Y axis maximum value so that multiple charts can be compared.

    Example –


    All 8 column charts have variant Y axis legends and we like for them to be the same ….




    The maximum and the minimum values of the axes are auto-calculated based on the range of the dataPoints. However you can override the auto-calculated value by setting the maximum property.

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS




    I had already found –

    AxisY {
    maximum: ###

    and that resolved the issue. We are getting very positive feedback on your javascript charting e.g. –


    Great package and we highly recommend it !!!





    Thanks for your appreciation. Feedback from users like you makes our day happier.

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS

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