Home Forums Chart Support Seems like converttopixel is giving wrong axisY &axisY2 values

Seems like converttopixel is giving wrong axisY &axisY2 values

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  • #19948

    Hi there, I am creating a charting solution for my personal trade charting application using canvasjs trial version. I am not getting correct axis values. Axis Values showing in the chart and haircross are not same as it retrieved from convertpixeltovalue.
    Please clarify why is so. I am using angular 4 and canvasjs along with Upstox API.

    B Paul


    @B Paul,

    Can you please create a jsfiddle reproducing the issue so that we can look into your code and help you out.

    Indranil Deo,
    Team CanvasJS

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Indranil.
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