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React rendering canvasjs chart with mapping

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  • #33871

    I am trying to render canvasjs charts using React.


    I have pushed options in array and iterated to render charts using mapping.

    Can anybody help me what’s wrong?

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by wellgdgd.

    I have solved it. Thank you for your consideration.

    I changed the curly bracket and put the <div> attribute.


    Here is how I have done.



    In the code shared by you, there is a syntax error while pushing the chart-options to the options array. Pushing the chart-options as shown in the code snippet below should work fine –

      title: {
        text: "Basic Column Chart in React"
      data: [{				
        type: "column",
        dataPoints: [
          { label: "Apple",  y: 10  },
          { label: "Orange", y: 15  },
          { label: "Banana", y: 25  },
          { label: "Mango",  y: 30  },
          { label: "Grape",  y: 28  }

    Please take a look at this StackBlitz example for a working code.

    Create multiple charts in react through loop

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS


    Thank you for fixing!

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