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Points in the chart doesn't appear

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  • #22156

    Hi everyone, I have this problem with the JSP-Chart. When I try to show the chart It appears the structure but not the points inside.

    	window.onload = function () {
    		var data = [];
    		var dataSeries = { type: "line" };
    		var dataPoints = ${antennasPerModel};
    		dataSeries.dataPoints = dataPoints;
    		var options = {
    			exportEnabled: true,
    			animationEnabled: true,
    			title: {
    				text: "Antenna"
    			axisY: {
    				includeZero: false,
    				lineThickness: 1
    			data: data
    		var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", options);

    This is my code. The value that I received in dataPoints is : [{“y”:1,”x”:”model3″},{“y”:1,”x”:”model4″},{“y”:1,”x”:”model1″},{“y”:1,”x”:”model2″}];

    What do you think could be the problem?



    X-Value can be numeric or date-time. But in the dataPoints that you are passing x-values are string. Changing ‘x’ to label, i.e. [{"y":1,"label":"model3"},{"y":1,"label":"model4″},{"y":1,"label":"model1"},{"y":1,"label":"model2"}] should work fine.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    Thank you very much this works perfect!

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