Home Forums Chart Support Option to make a Multiseries chart line not appear by default

Option to make a Multiseries chart line not appear by default

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  • #31676

    Hi, I am wondering if there is an option to make certain lines of data in my multi-series spline chart not appear by default. In my chart, by default, it shows all of the lines of data, and there are buttons located at the bottom of the graph that allow me to make lines disappear and reappear. I want these buttons still available, but I would like them turned off by default. Is this possible through the chart options?

    If you are curious, I am displaying my multiseries chart on a react webpage.


    For further clarification, I am using this canvasJS guide I have linked below to create my “toggle data series” functionality




    You can hide a dataSeries by default using visible property. Please take a look at this Gallery Page for an example which shows dataSeries being hidden by default and show them on clicking legend. Also you can checkout JavaScript Gallery & React Gallery for more examples.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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