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No Sync at jQuery chart.

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  • #14129

    I want to use “Sync Zooming and Panning across Charts” at jQuery Chart Types.
    But, sample not work synchronized.

    My project is 3 chart in a web page.
    Error at “if (!chart.options.axisX)” in sample page.

    Chrome’s console displays the following error,
    [src_grpWave.js:399 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘axisX’ of undefined].

    Will you be able to provide samples using jQuery?



    Sync Zooming and Panning across Multiple Charts in ‘How To Samples‘ section seems to be working fine.

    Please check this jsfiddle for syncing across 3 charts.

    Incase, if you are still facing the issue, kindly reproduce the same in jsfiddle, so that we can look into it and help you out.

    Vishwas R


    Thank you for answer.

    I checked ‘jsfiddle for syncing across 3 charts.’.

    But I want to use ‘Query Chart Types’.

    I edited jsfiddle(No sync).
    Please check this jsfiddle for syncing across 3 charts at jQuery chart type.



    Please check this updated jsfiddle.

    Vishwas R


    Oh! Thanx.

    It’s not ‘var chart1 = new CanvasJS.Chart(“chartContainer1”, {‘, but ‘$(“#chartContainer1”).CanvasJSChart({‘ and ‘chart3 = $(“#chartContainer3”).CanvasJSChart()’.

    It’s OK.

    I edited jsfiddle further..

    it’s maximum and minimum of Y Axis by jQuery.
    But, no changed…. ;-<



    Please check this updated jsfiddle with syncing axisY range.

    Vishwas R



    My Chrome 49.0.2623.112 m(WinXP 32bit) and 55.0.2883.87 m (Win7 64-bit), the scale did not change.
    Firefox 51.0.1 (Win7 32bit) too.

    Error is [VM353:173 Uncaught ReferenceError: scaleChange is not defined].

    I do not have a way to solve it.



    Its related to window.onload(). Please check this updated jsfiddle.

    Vishwas R


    I appreciate your answer. :-)

    I thought that it was ok so ‘JAVASCRIPT’ pane ‘LOAD TYPE’ is ‘onLoad’.

    Then, the last question.
    When the scale is changed, the pan / reset button is displayed, but can you do without display?

    Click the reset button.
    It is displayed each time the Scale Change button is clicked.
    Since the scale setting is the same, the button is displayed even if there is no change in the display.



    We are unable to see pan/reset button being shown on clicking ‘scale’ button.

    Please check this.
    Pan/Reset Button is not shown on clicking 'Scale' button

    Vishwas R


    My today’s question was delete…. ;-<



    Sorry for the inconvenience, due to some technical issue it has happened and your post will be restored soon.

    We checked with the jsfiddle and observed that pan/reset buttons won’t appear on clicking ‘Scale-Change’ button. Please check this image.

    If you are still facing any issue, please reproduce the same in jsfiddle so that we can look into it and help you out.

    Pan/Reset Buttons

    Vishwas R


    I appreciate your answer.

    First time is OK.

    The way to reproduce is as follows.
    1. Zoom at Chart(ex Chart3).
    2. Click the ‘Reset’ button.
    3. Click the ‘Scale Change’ button.
    4. Shown ‘Pan’ and ‘Reset’ button.
    5. Click the ‘Reset’ button.
    It can always be reproduced. Please check it.



    Thanks for the info. It seems to be some CSS issue, we will look into it further. As of now, you can work-around using CSS-display property. Please check this jsfiddle.

    Vishwas R


    Great! (^o^)/

    I edited jsfiddle a little bit.

    All graph scale change.
    jQuery ‘.last()’ has been deleted.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by kinokatsu. Reason: mistake
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