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Multi Series Range Area Charts without shared tooltip

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  • #60347


    I am building a visualization tool for geophysical layers consisting of several range area charts stacked.
    The tooltip behaves strangely, and does not always show information for the rangearea the cursor is in, but instead “snaps” to a datapoint of the rangearea above/below.

    Fiddle based on https://canvasjs.com/javascript-charts/multi-series-range-area-chart/:

    Is there a way to fix this?



    In Range Area Chart with tooltip.shared = false, tooltip is shown only when the mouse hovers over a specific datapoint, displaying the start and end values for that range. In multi-series chart, it will not combine values from different series and will show information for the hovered datapoint only. When tooltip.shared = true, the tooltip appears even when not hovering directly over a datapoint, displaying information for the nearest datapoint based on the x-value and y-values across all the series.

    Ananya Deka
    Team CanvasJS

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