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Margins for Legend

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  • #5282

    I am using a custom font for labels that has a large line height. The legend obscures the text of the x-axis labels.

    For an example go to this page and scroll to the bottom chart.

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Liquid90605.

    Why doesn’t this work.


    Thx for approving the post.


    Why doesn’t this work.

    I observed that “g” in “Meetings” & “Reports” is getting clipped by a few pixels on IE & Chrome while it works fine on Firefox. Is that what you are referring to?


    Yes. My client is very picky on UI. They want the issue resolved.


    Sure, I’ll fix that. Can you please tell me which font you are using so that I can reproduce the same.


    Thanks for the support. The font is Noto Sans.


    It’s a Google Web Font. You can find it here. http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Noto+Sans


    Thanks, now that pie labelling is done, I’ll look into this.


    Any update?


    I’ve fixed the bug. Issue was not because of the legend but due to wrong calculation of axis height. Please download this intermediate build and let me know if it worked fine.

    Sunil Urs

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